
em Vs too much holiday

6 months holiday... and i dont know what to do. so bored. i feel like i should do somehting productive and useful.

Have you ever plan things that you really hope you will do. but when it comes to it. you just cant be bothered?
Like i plan to go to the gym everyday.didn't happend
I planned to read inspirational novels. Nope
Planned to fix my xbox360.Did not happend. I'm so bored, im refusing to entertain myself!

So I asked a friend...

E: HEY i have too much holiday. its ridicolous~!
K: A**hole
E: Seriously I'd rather go to school
K: You want something to do? I'll give you things to do!

so then she sent me this email...

Things to do for 6 months -holy mother fucker that is like half a fucking year.
1. Stop apologising for the things you didnt do.
2. Go on facebook and write to me :D
3. Eat cobra satay while you in indo
4. Decorate ur awesome room with glitter dust, pornos or polaroid pictures, wtv makes u happy
5. Go on youtube and watch "candy mountain charlie the unicorn" or have u already watched it?
6. Study ur NEW CAMERA, that ur super hot girlfriend genorously gave to you
7. Eat skittles, cuz their my favourite and u cant get them in thailand. we can taste the RAINBOWW.
8. Go to some sort of amusement park cuz ur fucking gay sitting in ur house
9. Go out and meet new ppl, go to somer random chick and be like "fuck... ur so hot" whats ur number? - use a better pickup line though.
10. Learn how to skateboard properly cuz i know u can't HAHA. just playing, but learn it for real man.
11. Figure out what the word Gaffe and Gauche mean so u can say it to my face whenever i embarrass myself infront of hot guys
12. BUY MORE SEXY SHIRTS, your good at that right?
13. Get a fucking makeover, freakin plastic surgery. ahah just playing, ignore 13 ur face is beautiful
14. Go bunjee jumping or sky diving so u can scare the living shit out of urself and crap in ur pants. thats some expericence man
15. Shout BOMB in a lift and see what in the bloody hell happens (thats if ppl int he lift understand ur accent :P)
17. Research Taylor Launter, and tell me hes hot.
18. Download songs :D
-You've Got a Friend (feat. Lil Rob and Baby Bash) by The Far East Movement
-Echo (remix ft p. diddy) -Gorilla Zoe
their not hip hop gangster tree shit in the hood btw.
19. Be more active homie slice, go swimming or play football or something guys do...
20. Play bb gun again just so u can FEEL THE FUCKING PAIN, wear less protection.
21. Learn to say I LOVE YOU really often, it feels reallllyyyyy gooooooodddd.
22. Buy a sexy book and read the crap out of it.. sometihng interesting that teaches u crap on life so u can get better at it HAHA.
23. Push to your limits mother fucker, cuz someone will come and push you for better.
24. Take fucking tad pole risks aiite? u dont wana have to regret doing things in the past. fuck my life.
25. Spend an entire day gaming. dota, cs, war of god duty i dont give a fuck. just play the damn game.
26. Go to a photo booth with a friend and menstrate all over the camera. take ur damn pictures for memories bitch.
27. Go to a park in breath that sexy air all up before the world becomes polluted and fucking dies. do some skip ropes or bike while ur at it.
28. Fucking dance ur heart out.
29. Dedicate some nights to full on partying . alone? ahah just kidding
30. Have sea food for dinner, or get dressed up for a fancy restaurant.. if u can afford it brother.
31. From now on think: everyday, will be the most important day :)
32. Write a list of the bad things you've done and make up to it. if u dont get me watch 'my name is fucking earl' teaches u some shit about karma, kama sutra jk. karma. unless ur religion covers all that.. being MUSLIM and all.
33. Play with ur lil cousins cuz their gona grow to ur size one day and beat u up :(
34. Climb trees boy. climb them trees nothings better than climbing trees
35. Buy an ukulele
36. Learn a song from the net and fucking play it on ur uke
37. Get a pet fish and call it krittiya. yea sexy name right thurrrrrrrr.
38. Play monopoly, get some math into ur head. not that u suck i mean 6 months is a god damn long time mate.
39. Sing some christian songs :) i know ur muslim but just do it bitch
40. Do some kinda busking... do some shit on th streeet and get that dirty money. then u mail it to me after. thanks G
41. Buy a jaw breaker and lick that shit all day till ur tongue bleeds, speaking from experience here dont start thinking im emo.
42. Go to the beach and get eaten by sharks,jk. try surfing like jack johnson or just tan and scope for good looking babes cuz ur fucking lazy.
43. Make a funny vdo and post it on youtube :D i mean just sitting there with ur face on the screen is alreadi funny. sorry man being honest. just playin' again.
44. Smile more often to random ppl. hopefully they'll smile back, but maybe when they see ur smile they'll call security. truth hurts :(
45. Bring coins to an arcade and play till u need them glasses.
46. Rob a bank. i dont think ur capable of that so just jack some shit from 711 thats more ur level
47. Go Fishhinggggggggg like actual fishing on a boat or beside the river bank wtv turns u on.
48. Be artistic and draw some of ur captain underpants green lantern thingies or wtv
49. Eat khao mun gai.... if there even is any there....


One of the funniest emails I ever received. Most things are pretty random. And im considering doing some of them. Thats how bored I am people.to.the.max.
she's weird, I know
not gonna mention her name

However, number 50 is definelty deserve to be quoted...
"Do what you love, and love what you do"


1 komentar:

  1. krit is a geniusssss.
    go do all of those things.

